Cornish pickled apple speciality ‘Pickled Sweet Lark’ by Andrew Ormerod (2011)

PICT0103                                                                              Sweet Lark apples

Recipe from a lady in West Cornwall.

‘My mother used to make Pickled Sweet Lark during the Second World War with apples from the local orchards. I remember putting cloves in them when I was a girl.  The pickled apples were stored in earthenware jars.’

‘We traditionally ate it in the winter time on Sundays, with cream and splits (a local type of  bread roll).  Over time the flavour intensifies as the vinegar syrup penetrates the fruit and the apples turn a rich brown. It keeps very well too; I have some I made 10 years ago. My husband prefers it with his Sunday roast.’


1.4kg (3lb) granulated sugar
1.1 litres (2 pints) cider vinegar
3.2kg (7lb) apples


Wash the apples in slightly warm water and dry them.  Push three cloves into each apple.
Heat the vinegar and dissolve the sugar. Place the whole apples in the vinegar syrup on the heat and boil for a few minutes. Apples should have a similar texture to beetroot when cooked – slightly soft but flesh shouldn’t be collapsing.  Apples are placed in a sterile container such as a Kilner jar in the vinegar syrup solution where the flavours intensify over time.

Cornish pickling apples

This recipe is for Sweet Lark apples,  a variety found in West Cornwall such as around the Hayle area.  Sweet Lark produce yellow fruit about the size of the Mandarin which are ready to harvest in mid October.  Traditionally Sweet Lark, Cornish Longstem or Chasewater Longstem have been used as pickling apples.

You can use other varieties of small sweet apple – as long as they don’t fall apart when they are cooked in the sweet vinegar solution.

About cornucopiaalchemy

I have 15 years experience working as the Economic Botanist at the Eden Project - researching topical stories, artefacts, ethnobotanical inks, catering and retail links to exhibits. I am interested in any openings or projects linked to research, writing or talks concerning uses of plants or social science subjects, food systems and health. I have been involved in projects linked to uses of plant materials for manufacturing and community energy projects - particularly community biogas and I am also interested in agroforestry and aquaculture. Previously I was involved with plant breeding and plant tissue culture working on a range of crops including winter cauliflowers, agricultural lupins, vining peas, wheat and barley and coconuts. I am now undertaking a research project with Global Biotechnology Transfer foundation colleagues on EU funds projects linked to how local food supply systems relate to the global food supply chains. I am also freelance for the remaining time and am interested in opportunities for lecturing; writing articles; consultancy linked to the ​development of botanic gardens for crops based exhibits; supply chain work for unusual food or non-food crops with interesting stories about plants and people attached to them. In 2018 I undertook a Churchill Fellowship study tour visiting Africa (Cameroon, Kenya) and North America (USA and Canada) to study "Community engagement and Participatory Plant Breeding and Participatory Variety Selection in tree and field crops". (See related blogs on this site) I also visited Germany and researchers in the Netherlands. I am keen to put some of the findings linked to genetics and plant breeding training and research relating to perennial/tree or shrub and annual/biennial crops into practice. I am interested in hearing from any researchers with related experiences who may be interested in project collaboration. I have established apple tree population trials with a series of land owners initially in Cornwall in relation to the research mentioned above. Andrew Ormerod PhD CF Cornwall, England aormerod2015(at)
This entry was posted in Adding value, Market opportunities, Niche produce, Orchard Heritage - history of orchards, Top Fruit. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Cornish pickled apple speciality ‘Pickled Sweet Lark’ by Andrew Ormerod (2011)

  1. Mary Carsten says:

    I look forward to trying this recipe.

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